
29 May 2012

Zuma Spear: Getting all their dicks in a row

This is one of those occasion where 140 characters are simply not enough, and beforehand, I apologise for the language, I will wash my hands with soap as soon as I hit publish.

The Zuma Spear. Fuck. My initial reaction is “what a bunch of idiots!”. But, wait, are they? [They being the ANC and COSATU]. 

Driving to work this morning I drove past four beggars. Their shoes are falling apart, their clothing are merely means of covering up. One of these beggars should be in school, preparing for July exams. But wait. Even the children in school cannot prepare for their July exams because they don’t have books. These children are not only deprived from theoretical learning but also from the wonderful world of Dr Seuss and Beatrix Potter, but those are luxuries –much like food. 

Tonight, members of the ANC and COSATU, when you enjoy your steak, vegetables and rice (drenched in gravy), and raise your glasses to celebrate your well-earned victory over the City Press and pat yourself on the back for being so clever, spare a thought for the man sleeping on the stairs at a shopping centre. The man you swore to house. 

Think of the child who will never know the joys of going to bed with a full tummy, let alone Dr Seuss. The child you swore would never be hungry again. 

The child who desperately wants to improve his life but isn’t getting the tools he needs to do so. The child you swore would receive an education. 

Think of them. 

The people are wearing your party’s t-shirts, President Zuma. They have placed their faith in your abilities to improve their lives and give them hope for a better tomorrow. Instead, you allow a canvas to cover up the real issues.

Yes, today the ANC and COSATU march because of some dick, while they smear close the real issues.

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Lover of cats, books and red wine. Wife and mom-to-be.
