
23 March 2012

I will keep on writing

Yesterday I finally went live with my blog – a brave step. Let me explain;

I first “started” my blog in September 2009, but I never wrote anything – it was just there, dormant. In a previous lifetime a large chunk of my job involved writing. While I did it, I was often, consistently, told what a crap writer I am and that clearly I have no comprehension of the English language. (I am by birth Afrikaans so my 'is and are', 'was and were', are often a tad muddled).

Despite criticism, which I didn’t take too well – otherwise I would’ve started blogging years ago, I persevered. Practice makes perfect, right?

While I have no dream of becoming a writer, I do believe that in any business you should at least try and string a sentence together, without disintegrating the language completely, and heavens! Pick up a dictionary ever so often.

Bill Stout once said that it didn’t matter whether or not you could write well, but that you should write bravely. It is because of these words that I will keep on writing – bravely.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Lelani. Good for you, though I still can't believe you waited three years. But hey, when it's right for you then it's the right time. I'll find your "friend connect" tab and subscribe.

    Love from Jo'burg


About the scribbler

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Lover of cats, books and red wine. Wife and mom-to-be.
